Vicky Sunday - Dead Words

The Best Album Ever
Előadó: Vicky Sunday
Album: The Best Album Ever
Megjelenés: 2015
Hossz: 4:03
Szövegírók: Vicky Sunday
Görgényi Gábor
Viszt Viktor
Gazda Bence Péter
Zeneszerzők: Vicky Sunday
Kiadó: Narrator Records
Stílus: Rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1841 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I’m a storyteller
I’m a storyteller
Let me in your dreams
I write myself in your mind
Follow my entries, subscribe to my channel
Cuz I’m a storyteller
I’m a storyteller

I am a messenger
I am a messenger
I found out new ways
Hallowed be the silence
I’m a machine gun
I shoot you down with my words
I’m a storyteller
I’m a storyteller


Dumb puppets - spreading the words
Deaf mind understands them at first

Silence is golden
Repeat empty phrases or hold them
Talkin’ has got the power
Words are weapons – make them undercover
Fantasy, a free wolrd
Door is open, take care of your password
Lips’re moving – violence
Dead words – keep ’em in silence

refr 2
Silence is golden
Talkin’ has got the power
Fantasy, a free wolrd
Lips’re moving – violence
Dead words – keep ’em in silence
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