Martin Eats Sharks - Won't Let You Throw video

Won't Let You Throw
Előadó: Martin Eats Sharks
Album: Won't Let You Throw
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: 03:19
Szövegírók: Tuza Márton
Zeneszerzők: Fekete Balázs
Tuza Márton
Kiadó: szerzői kiadás
Stílus: elektronikus rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2251 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


If you set me free, i will set you too
We have heart inside I won't let you throw

As i see nowdays there's much more bad as it needed
it's the human race, money, drugs, power are feeding
fedding the bullshit, and we eat it all
play with us like with puppets, we're moving like dolls

telly says to you, you smart, you tall and grown up to earn it
grown up to earn it, everything you nedded you already have it
sit back to your chair, and relax till you live
but if you stand up and scream you'll need a magic rhyme

and the freedom comes

Just reach your hand to reach the sun
or keep you head under the ground
Or build a place where we can live
Or build a place where we can live
where we can leave

If you set me free, i will set you too
We have heart inside I won't let you throw

(Let the lights on)

collision, excision, greatfull war, my vision
decisions, get freedom, kill deamons, like diamonds
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