Claudia - Can't You Let Me Go

Előadó: Claudia
Album: Fire
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Claudia
Richard Meyer
Zeneszerzők: Claudia
Richard Meyer
Kiadó: Tom-Tom Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2649 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


You called me a bad day
A bad way, the sky’s grey.
I don’t feel that girly
It’s maybe too early.

Million reasons why
For me to walk fast by.
Burned by your flame
Now you feel my pain.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
You have pushed me low
With your love, baby.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
Things have stopped to grow
With your love, baby.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
Things have stopped to flow
With your love, baby.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
Things have stopped to glow
With your love, baby.

Summer’s turned rainy
And I miss you daily.
You’ve been my rainbow
You loved me, you said so.

Million reasons why
For me to walk fast by.
Burned by your flame
Now you feel my pain.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
You have pushed me low
With your love, baby.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
Things have stopped to grow
With your love, baby.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
Things have stopped to flow
With your love, baby.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
Things have stopped to glow
With your love, baby.

I cannot let you run with my heart
I cannot tear these feelings apart.
We used to be, you’re used to me,
Walked hand in hand.
Pictures in my phone, now I’m all alone
Dust in the sand.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
You have pushed me low
With your love, baby.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
Things have stopped to grow
With your love, baby.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
Things have stopped to flow
With your love, baby.

Can’t you let me go?
You don’t seem to know
Things have stopped to glow
With your love, baby.
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