Claudia - Funfair (ft. Szirtes Edina „Mókus“)

Előadó: Claudia
Album: Enough
Megjelenés: 2013
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Claudia
Balla Bettina Claudia
Zeneszerzők: Claudia
Kiadó: Narrator Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2239 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Let’s go to the funfair
We can have some fun there
Even paint our nose
That’s where candy grows.

Welcome to the funfair
You know what you’ll get there
For a reasonable price
If you pay there’s no surprise.

Life is just a roller coaster
Burn like bread in the toaster
But in real life you can’t swap
A ride for a snack.

Won’t go to the funfair
Everyone gets sick there
Juice will brown your teeth
Pretzel’s baked from grief.

This ain’t no funfair
Those aren’t real clowns there -
People fakin` smiles
Sellin` sugar coated lies.

Life is just a roller coaster
Burn like bread in the toaster
But in real life you can’t swap
A ride for a snack.

Put aside your expectations
Your ticket needs a validation
Come inside, come inside and play.
If love is something that you don’t dare
Come and check the lion’s lair
Get inside, get inside and stay.

Life is just a roller coaster
Burn like bread in the toaster
But in real life you can’t swap
A ride for a snack.
Life is just a roller coaster
Burn like bread in the toaster
But in real life you can’t swap
A ride for a snack.
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