Alone In The Moon - The Justifier

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Alone In The Moon
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1932 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


Hey you armchair freedom fighter shut your mouth
Hey you conspiracy theorist with your know it all style
and your new age images
Shut your fucking mouth

We're gonna slay the the fakes and the liars
Rob the rich, crucify the stars
Burn the mediasluts in their shiny cars
And then we'll be free
We're gonna choke the suits to the dirt
The don't give a fuck rulers of the world
will get back all the pain and the hurt
Just follow me

Hey you crazy party teens
shopping addict whores
We’re gonna fucking enslave you
Hey you
invisible bureaucrats
Deciding on life and death
We'll incite your office rats
And terminate you

We're gonna slay the the fakes and the liars
Rob the rich, crucify the stars
Burn the mediasluts in their shiny cars
And then we'll be free
We're gonna choke the suits to the dirt
The don't give a fuck rulers of the world
will get back all the pain and the hurt
Just follow me

Hey you parasites of freedom
pseudo-liberals, second hand intellectuals
Hiding in your laziness and decadence behind the principles of liberty
Sitting in your expensive cafes talking about how terrifying life is.
Be a volunteer in the third world if you’re so committed or bored and want to die…

And you hypocrite conservatives
With your cocaine driven hooker parties
We’re gonna burn your notions into your skin
We’re gonna punish you for all the mendacious shit you’ve done

And finally we're gonna have some fun

We're gonna slay the the fakes and the liars
Rob the rich, crucify the stars
Burn the mediasluts in their shiny cars
And then we'll be free
We're gonna choke the suits to the dirt
The don't give a fuck rulers of the world
will get back all the pain and the hurt
Just follow me
Just me

/I'm so special and I'm so cool
You can't fuck me if you're not cool
But not mainstream cool
Mainstream cool
You can't bring me down/

Let's go!

/Sweet 19 with a 60's vibe, Baby Blue/
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