Radics Gigi - See It Through video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Radics Gigi
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Johnny K. Palmer
Riba Zoltán
Zeneszerzők: Radics Tamás
Radics Georgina
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: pop
Címkék: A DAL [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4478 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


I’ll be there when your high
When your up in the sky with the starts in you eyes
I’ll be there through the fight
When your souls getting tired
You should always know that

I’ll be by your side
when your celebrating life oh
I’ll be there for you
I’ll see it through

cuz when it rains and it pours and all your dreams are shattered on the floor
and when you can’t find the cause for all the pain piercing at your soul
your not alone you should know lift your head and focus on the truth
you know I do I do I do believe in you
I’ll see it through

When your hearts on the line
When the clouds passing by
And you cry every night
I’ll be there when you smile
And your worlds alright
You can always trust that

I’ll be by your side
and not just when your celebrating life
I’ll be there for you
I’ll see it through

cuz when it rains and it pours and all your dreams are shattered on the floor
and when you can’t find the cause for all the pain piercing at your soul
your not alone you should know lift your head and focus on the truth
you know I do I do I do believe in you
I’ll see it through

in all the places we have been
and after all that we have seen
you should know I’ll always be
the kind of friend that never will leave you behind
I won’t abandon you when you feel low
you should know

when it rains and it pours and all your dreams are shattered on the floor
and when you can’t find the cause for all the pain piercing at your soul
your not alone you should know lift your head and focus on the truth
you know I do I do I do believe in you
I’ll see it through
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