Pit of Saron - And Then You Blew Life into My Lungs (Void II)

The Emptiness, The Rage and Me
Előadó: Pit of Saron
Album: The Emptiness, The Rage and Me
Megjelenés: 2016
Hossz: 4:04
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1992 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I said yes, you said too, but maybe
We were thinking the opposite.
This leads to the only reasonable answer:
That we were weak since the beginning.
AHHHHH, This was the only way that could've happened.
Ahhhhh, We wasted each other's time desperately.

This is your fault,
This is yours,
This is your fault.
Hell of a conversation.
Fast daytime, sleepless nights
Strangers' beds.
Great solution.

This is your fault,
This is yours,
This is your fault.
It hurts so much.
That I was wrong when i thought that it was you
Who blew life into my lungs.

I smell your parfume
Show me yourself, stop hiding
Let me know who you are.
I'm almost unconscious
Because i drunk that much
This is the chance you have to take.
You come out from the hide of your shadows,
But my eyes have already closed.
And you bury me alive.
(The last thing i saw is your face)

I'm standing still
So you can see
Me clearly.
I've stopped
Blaming you,
You are the only one who still blames me.
Easier to move on
Knowing it was all of my fault.
Then close our fucking case
Like we were both mistaken. OHHHHHHHH.

I smell your parfume
Show me youself, stop hiding
Let me know who you are.
I'm almost unconscious
Because i drunk that much
This is the chance you have to take.
You come out from the hide of your shadows,
But my eyes have already closed.
And you bury my alive.
(The last thing i saw is your face)
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