Mongooz and the Magnet - Number video

The Mongooz Juice
Előadó: Mongooz and the Magnet
Album: The Mongooz Juice
Megjelenés: 2015
Hossz: 3:19
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2328 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I saw her working, at my regular bar,
She meets a lotta guys but she don't care who they are,
How's a guy like me supposed to stand out from the crow,
I order complicated drinks and ask for special requests,
I tell her all my jokes with all the special effects,
But I can't help feeling like I'm still just hanging round.

I'm not a player, I'm more of a pawn,
I've played a couple games but I don't usually win,
I guess I missed the day we learnt those playground rules,
Now who'd have think it, two weeks from here,
you'd be lying naked in the bed with me,
Bodies heating, heavy breathing...

What's your number baby, can I call you
what's your number maybe, can I call
What's your number baby, can I call you
what's your number maybe, can I call

Where's your man now, what you broke up again,
And now you're walking talking like I'm more than a friend,
Situation running back and forth inside of my own head,
Sun is falling and they're closing up the place for the night,
I'm hesitating waiting till conditions are right,
When will I know for sure, I guess I gotta try..

I'm not a player, I'm more of a pawn,
I've played a couple games but I don't usually win,
I guess I missed the day we learnt those playground rules,
now who'd have think it, two weeks from here,
you'd be lying naked in the bed with me,
Bodies heating, heavy breathing,

What's your number baby, can I call you
what's your number maybe, can I call
What's your number baby, can I call you
what's your number maybe, can I call

Thinking about what this could be,
I see you looking at me, looking at you, looking at me
Paralysed I don't know what to do,
You see me looking at you, looking at me, looking at you,
Thinking about what this could be,
I see you looking at me, looking at you, looking at me,
Paralysed I don't know what to do,
You see me looking at you, looking at me, looking at you

What's your number baby, can I call you
what's your number maybe, can I call
What's your number baby, can I call you
what's your number maybe, can I call....
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