Zävodi - Stay

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Zävodi
Album: Revise
Megjelenés: 2019
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Závodi Marcel
Zeneszerzők: Závodi Marcel
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1974 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


First days I realised we been through a lot
First days I realised how much love we got
First days I realised how good we hit the top
Was so sure in you and I, thought that we cannot
Fail... Guess I was protecting myself
Like I got enough clothes on in a gale, but now it
Feels like it wanna blow me off the trail, and I
Can’t stop writing suicidal songs, like I was Adele
And I’m smoking outside thinkin’ if I made mistakes?
Is it just a fucking dream or am I really awake?
For god’s sake! I feel like I'll be stock in a state
Where heartbreak’s tryna’ hunt me and I can’t escape
'though the moon is always chasing
It gon' never catch the sun
Wish we could fight the difference
But we can't change what we've become
And I know you and I are perfect
In the most imperfect way
Since I'm too faithful to leave you
Still too obstinate to stay
'though the moon is always chasing
It gon' never catch the sun
Wish we could fight the difference
But we can't change what we've become
And I know you and I are perfect
In the most imperfect way
Since I'm too faithful to leave you
Still too obstinate to stay
Since all the shit turned bad, you didn't call me at all
I didn't do no thang, why don't you pick up the phone
I feel like 'fore a storm is coming, hope I don't feel it good
Cause I wish it's not the outro, but more like a small interlude, so
Ya' even think of me or is it someone else?
Better thinkin' of the worst, Imma prepare myself
But I don't mind if we have problems, those are all to solve
Our mistakes are the only makin' us evolve
'though the moon is always chasing
It gon' never catch the sun
Wish we could fight the difference
But we can't change what we've become
And I know you and I are perfect

In the most imperfect way
Since I'm too faithful to leave you
Still too obstinate to stay
'though the moon is always chasing
It gon' never catch the sun
Wish we could fight the difference
But we can't change what we've become
And I know you and I are perfect
In the most imperfect way
Since I'm too faithful to leave you
Still too obstinate to stay
'though the moon is always chasing
It gon' never catch the sun
Cause they can't fight a distance
But we can change who we've become
And I know you and I are perfect
In the most imperfect way
Cause if you're too faithful to leave us
Means we're good enough to'
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