Ozone Mama - Siren`s Call

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Ozone Mama
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1612 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


I’m standing here waiting by the lonely seashore
For my ship to come and start my journey home
The tide is rising slow, soon I’ll be gone
Where ever I’d be sailing, I’ll be back for you

I’ve cast my fate to the wind, I’m riding the waves
Horizon is slowly dissappearing in the fade
I hear distant voices must be someone on board
Or just my restless spirit shivers when cold wind blows

I never thought I’d hear the siren’s call
Now she is calling me in a way I can’t ignore
Is it real or is it just inside my head?
Tie me to the mast or we all will be dead

The rain keeps hammering down from over head
If nightmare never ends we’ll all be damned
I’m far away, far away, I gotta hold on
Plug your ears captain or we’ll never make it home

She smiled at me from beneath the deep blue sea
She sang her song and put her spell on me
However much I tried I could not resist
Temptation made me crawlin’ out of my skin

I never thought I’d hear the siren’s call
Now she is calling me in a way I can’t ignore
Is it real or is it just inside my head?
Tie me to the mast or we all will be dead

Under blood red moon I still hear the siren’s song
On a lonely ghost ship drifting in the fog
Bones of dead men piled up all around
On seven seas I got trapped for evermore
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