Radics Gigi - Fade away (ft. Talán Attila) video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Radics Gigi
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Bartha István Jim
Talán Attila
Zeneszerzők: Dandó Zoltán
Radics Gigi
Bartha István Jim
Talán Attila
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Country, pop
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4029 alkalommal




Pontszám: 135


It's just another memory
Staring at the Sunset, bringing the Love we...
Just another Friday,
Sitting in the backseat,
Funny how we started... yeah

Do you wanna feel?
Do you wanna hear?
I just wanna be, please, with you!
Do you wanna feel this Love

It’s not the thing that I should
only wish that I could

Stay Forever!

Funny how you made my day,
In a smile we fade away
Funny how we..
Fade away, fade away, fade away

I’m Dreaming 'bout the Morning
How we lose the weight of
Everything just happened
I’m trying just to let go,
feeling that it's hard to;
Breathing Air now..

Coz I know that we need,
to believe in the turn we 're taking
Will you help me through?
If I can’t let go?
I just wanna be, please, with you!
Our faith deserves a chance!

It’s not the thing that I should
only wish that I could

Stay forever!

Funny how you made my day,
In a smile we fade away
Funny how we..
Fade away, fade away, fade away

What can we feel inside?
It's one light that means our mind
Oh what we still could do
What if I’d be gone and couldn't change
the things that I've done
So let me be your shining star

Stay forever!

Funny how you made my day,
In a smile we fade away
Funny how we..
Fade away, fade away, fade away

Funny how we..
Fade away, fade away, fade away

Stay, stay forever!
Stay, stay forever!
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