The Middletonz - Roses video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: The Middletonz
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 7558 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


I got a garden full of roses
But none to love
Man I love her and she knows it
She don’t give a fuck

Roses roses guess she never noticed
Poems poems read ‘em and she tore ‘em
She’s a killer but I need her
See me down but she keeps on diggin’ deeper

Got a garden full of roses
She took my heart and broke it
She got me feelin’ hopeless
My everydays are lonely
I gotta stop I’m losin’ it
She’s smilin’ while she’s doin’ this
I gotta move on
Stop sittin’ in a...

Garden full of roses
But none to love
Man I love her and she knows it
She don’t give a fuuuuuck
I’m sayin’ woman my woman
I’m cryin’ I’m dyin’
I’m needin’ your love
And there’s no no denyin’
Garden full of roses
But none to love
Roses roses

I lost my common sense
Why did I ever take a part in this
Why did I start to love this chick
‘Cos now I feel like I can’t stop this shit
And I hate to love you which ain’t makin’ sense
All of this contradicts and all of this messin’ my head up
And I know that we really can’t be in this relationship
Yeah truth hurts
You used to be my whole universe
You could’ve been my true first love
You could’ve been who would’ve been better than you
But you showed your true colours and proved it
Again that you’re full of shit
Man I’m so confused
I start to lose it again
Truthfully I haven’t been cool ever since

garden full of roses
But noone to looooooove
Man I love her and she knows it
She don’t give a fuck
I’m sayin’ woman my woman
I’m cryin’ I’m dyin’
I’m needin’ your love
And there’s no no denyin’
Garden full of roses
But none to love
Roses roses

Really gotta move on
Been stuck in the past for too long
So I gotta let loose, never mention you
Again in a new song
And no more stress
Had to get it off my chest

I wish you the best
We will never know
We were supposed to grow old
We will never know
We were supposed to grow old

garden full of roses
But none to love
love her and she knows this
She don’t give a fuck
I said my woman
I’m cryin’ I’m dyin’
I’m needin’ your love
Needin’ your love
Needin’ your love
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