Grand Mexican Warlock - Serpentine video

Előadó: Grand Mexican Warlock
Album: Aeons
Megjelenés: 2010
Hossz: 5:43
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Mamazone Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1843 alkalommal




Pontszám: 209


He is walking alone in the desert
He left every piece from his heavy bags
Within every mile, he became older
He was no longer a boy inside

(With every step)
(With every breath)
Memories lost form his head
(With every step)
(With every breath)
His own real name was still unsaid
(With every step)
(With every breath)
Pain dissapeared from his head
(With every step)
(With every breath)
The snake coiled around his neck

Who is waiting for me under the sky?
Maybe I’m the only one, who ever tried to be someone?
Who will hold my hand, ’till I die?
Maybe I’m the only one, who ever tried to be someone?

He is walking alone in the desert
Where he was tempted by the snake
The white skyline turned into a storm
The first drop of rain fell into his eyes

(With every step)
(With every breath)
World got built u pin his head
(With every step)
(With every breath)
He get closer to the edge
Every movement in his life
Running back into his heart
Every flashback from his life
Leading him to an inner light
Give me an answer, snake,
Who is sitting on my throne!
Is he my future, or just an illusion?
I can see my past without confusion!

Who is waiting for me under the sky?
Maybe I’m the only one, who ever tried to be someone?
Who will hold my hand, ’till I die?
Maybe I’m the only one, who ever tried to be someone?

Give me an answer, snake!
Give me an answer, snake!
Give me an answer!
Give me an answer!
Give me an answer!

Beat me! Teach me!
Beat me! Teach me!
You must beat me, you must teach me!
You must beat me, you must teach me!
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