Continoom - Make me alive

Not my war
Előadó: Continoom
Album: Not my war
Megjelenés: 2019
Hossz: 3:26
Szövegírók: Schrott Péter
Zeneszerzők: Schrott Péter
Kiadó: Edge Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2086 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Woke up with the morning light
As I thought it’s morning
But when I looked out through the glass
I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Everything was on fire,
And the sky was getting darker
Someone was knocking on my door
And I knew who was there for sure.

Unlocked the door with shaking hands
Shaking body, shaking heart.
He was standing on my doorstep
With his scythe but without eyes.

And I was confused, when I realized,
If I could not see into the eyes of Death
The tale’d be untold
About my life bein’ sold

I need someone who knows?
Someone who can tell me the meaning of life, can you tell me?
I need someone who knows.
Someone who whispers the secret of love. Can you tell me…..
Make me alive
Once before I die.

Suddenly I realized, he also can not look into my eyes, listen
Death I've got a few words to say

Well, not today dear, not today!
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