Paint The Lilies - Fire video

Paint The Lilies EP
Előadó: Paint The Lilies
Album: Paint The Lilies EP
Megjelenés: 2012
Hossz: 3:05
Szövegírók: Winkler Flóra
Zeneszerzők: Rácz Gábor
Winkler Flóra
Márton Árpád
Kalmár Dávid
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: rock, metal, pop, alternative
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1792 alkalommal




Pontszám: 73


So I set the devouring fire from all the cold things around
And I tore down all the curtains and the light's bared my heart
As they all stood in a circle watching me in disguise
I thought, another excuse so they can roll their eyes

So I said fire
Then I set fire
Yeah, the great pyre set light
An' I got higher
Yeah, I got higher
Yea, I mean higher up above
Eitherway I'm done...

So I laughed, "oh you're so peaceful", stare with blindfolded eyes
But your peace is more like boredom -- start to live your lives

Talk to me even if it burns you to pieces
Talk to me now
Talk to hme even if it buries you to dust
Just talk to me now

So I said fire
Then I set fire
Yeah, the great pyre set light
An' I got higher
Yeah, I got higher
Yea, I mean higher up above
Eitherway I'm done...
Eitherway I'm done
Eitherway I'm done...
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