Ék zenekar - Under The Sun video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Ék zenekar
Album: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1854 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


Valleys in bloom, young ladie’s legs
Blood on the hands and the smell of the rats
A devoted priest or a wandering soul
We’re under the sun, we’re under the sun

I went back on my word
Now I have to run
So good, no lamplight
We’re under the sun, we’re under the sun

Now there’s no one to blame
No need to fight, no one to beat
Enjoy the sight, enjoy the sight
Now there’s no one to blame
No need to fight, no one to hurt
Enjoy the sight, enjoy the sight
Believe, believe, believe, believe
Relief, relief, relief, relief
Believe, believe believe
Beleft, below

I had a friend who taught me a lot
Don’t insist on your faith, but rely on your God
Far beyond that awful noise
We’re under the sun, we’re under the sun
I went back on my word
Now I have to run
So good, no lamplight
We’re under the sun, we’re under the sun

Now there’s no one to blame
No need to fight, no one to beat
Enjoy the sight, enjoy the sight
Now there’s no one to blame
No need to fight, no one to hurt
Enjoy the sight, enjoy the sight
Believe, believe, believe, believe
Relief, relief, relief, relief
Believe, believe believe
Beleft, below
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