Manaky - Bloodshed video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Manaky
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1324 alkalommal




Pontszám: 236 615


Bloodshed on their street, bloodshed on their corners
But only one land giveth for share
Why should Kain kill Abel, his own brother

Bloodshed on their street, bloodshed on their corners
Oh Jah don’t you let dem fight one another
Why should Isaac kill Ismael, his own brother
His own brother
His own Brother
His own brother
His own Brother

Born from the same father
The same blood runs through dem vein
And now that same blood
Runs down the drain

Yes you should hold each other’s hand
Go forward,and set the trend
Together divide and rule
On the Promise Land
Jah did not draw no borderline
Jah did not show you sign
Ain’t no one gonna seperate us
Ain’t got no permission
Yes you shoulda forget the bitterness
Set the foundation for the children
Build up the walls of New Jerusalem
You shoulda keep what Jah said:
Go and make it up with dem!
Here comes the end,and it’ just around di bend
Thou shalt love thy neighbour,as thysef

Bloodshed on their street, bloodshed on their corners
But only one land giveth for share
Why should Kain kill Abel, his own brother

Bloodshed on their street, bloodshed on their corners
Oh Jah don’t you let dem fight one another
Why should Isaac kill Ismael, his own brother
His own brother
His own Brother
His own brother
His own Brother

Nuh give dem U.S protection from di overseas
Stop sending dem di back up fi increase dem properties
Nuh give dem SLR, Nuh give dem M16-s
Beg yuh, stop ton dem inna mental disease
Stop fighting ova land, ova territories
Ya fear di muslim terrorist, weh ya produce bigga terrorist
Cyaan realize ya inna di belly a di Beast
Him already mash up and eat up di whole Middle East
Some a dem flea from hate before di fifties
But table ton weh sons a Abraham became fascist
Day by day numba a soldiers radically increase’
Protected by weapons of scientists
Some a dem pon di top
and mi seh some a dem pon di bottom
Nuh matta which man a go push di button
Dem nah go ask yuh nuttn but let mi tell yuh supm
If yuh nuh stop fighting dem
we must face di new Bin Laden
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