Omega - One Man Land (Egyszemélyes ország)

The Hall Of Floaters In The Sky (LP)
Előadó: Omega
Album: The Hall Of Floaters In The Sky (LP)
Megjelenés: 1975
Hossz: 5:52
Szövegírók: Kóbor János
Zeneszerzők: Mihály Tamás
Kiadó: Bellaphon
Stílus: Progresszív Rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 9110 alkalommal




Pontszám: 4 837


No pushing-shoving, nasty bickering
The store stands empty; the lock is nowhere on the door
Here it's fashionable; the man can eat and drink
The money never slumps; the bank pays from the pocket

Sometimes that is what I wished
A little place on this earth
A country; where there's no one but me

There is no foot-dragging, no agency here
Stamp is never needed; good word is just enough
No counterfeiting, no one is ever to blame
If I don't have movie ticket, will take home the film

Sometimes that is what I wished
A little place on this earth
A country; where there's no one but me

No legal debates, politics is a prank
Because if I'm alone, I approve everything
The only problem is, no one tells me good word
I'll never be happy if not able to love anybody

Sometimes that is what I wished
A little place on this earth
A country; where there's no one but me

Sometimes that is what I wished
A little place on this earth
Where we can live together: You and me.
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