Antares - Become A Man

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Antares
Album: Antares
Megjelenés: 2019
Hossz: 6:23
Szövegírók: Kolosai Ferenc "Fecó"
Zeneszerzők: Kolosai Ferenc "Fecó"
Kovács Botond "Boti"
Pap Dávid "Page"
Dér Dávid "Dér"
Kiadó: Szerzői kiadás
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 1759 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Mother, you can let me now
Father, I will make a vow
that someday, in front of your eyes
from the ashes, a tree will rise.

Shadows, will hide the way
they'll make me wonder, maybe I should have stayed
but it's too late, to turn around
cause I'm a human, who get up from the ground

Pick up my pieces, and set the goal
Keep on goin', and play my role
They will accept me, for who I am
When a child is gone, becomes a man,

becomes a man
becomes a man
becomes a man
becomes a man

And I don't know, 'n' I don't know, what have I become
I feel like nothing have to do, because it's already done

They've said my world, needs just a little time
So that's where we draw the line, and wait for the sign
They've said my world, needs just a little time
And now I realise, that it has already been mine

Strangers, you can never know
Do you Trust In, a friend or foe
Lovers, we are all the same
We're just searchin', for that burnin' flame

I wait for the night, when you will see the child in me
Let you in my mind, that is angry and blind and you'll disagree
You were the same, theres no one to blame, just to movin' on
No need to hide, with you on my side, but the scars will never go away

They've said my world, needs just a little time
So that's where we draw the line, and wait for the sign
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