Wisdom - Victory dalokhu video

Words of Wisdom
Előadó: Wisdom
Album: Words of Wisdom
Megjelenés: 2006
Hossz: 4:24
Szövegírók: Molnár Máté (Road)
Zeneszerzők: Kovács Gábor
Kiadó: Hammer music / Nail Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 8099 alkalommal




Pontszám: 90


Hey, you are the king!
Take care of our souls
Hey, you ought to see
The returning of foes

Once for all, destroy them all!
I know what to do I'm here!
Time for war, fight to the core!
I'll lead you to victory!

You ought to behold the glory you hope
Lies at your feet again
Look death in the face - it's a glorious day
The day of your fame

Hey, you are the king!
Take us by your hand
Hey, you ought to be
The commander again

Raise your sword to the course of the future
Lightning goes through the sky
You will know what to do with the power
In the course of time
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