Quimby - Straight to your heaven video

Jerrycan Dance
Előadó: Quimby
Album: Jerrycan Dance
Megjelenés: 1995
Hossz: 5:39
Szövegírók: Kiss Tibor (Quimby)
Varga Livius
Kiss Tibor
Zeneszerzők: Kiss Tibor (Quimby)
Varga Livius
Kiadó: PoliGram/3T
Stílus: alternatív-rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 14821 alkalommal




Pontszám: 87


The steam is rising off the river
the night takes a big bite from the moon
The passion's burning in fever
and an angel's warming dope in a silver spoon
Straight to your heaven...
Tonight the gallows birds are happy
whistling the devil's weary blues
They don't need a goddamned penny
they're just twisting away in pointed shoes
Go straight to your heaven...
Fish headed guys came off a picture
Bosch with his dreampipe blessed them all
They're dancing tango with a vulture
gay spirits riding for a fall
Go straight to your heaven...
Lord came down with some angels
Up there He was sad and bored
He drank a coctail with a stranger
and then hit the road in the Devil's ford
Go straight to your heaven...
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