Király Linda - Club song video

Király Linda 1
Előadó: Király Linda
Album: Király Linda 1
Megjelenés: 2003
Hossz: 3:44
Szövegírók: Király Linda
Keresztes Zoltán
Gyurik Tamás
Erb Virgil
Király P Linda
Zeneszerzők: Erb Virgil (Giovanni)
Kiadó: King Music Management
Stílus: RnB/Swing
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 11790 alkalommal




Pontszám: 1


All my babies swingin' in the back, just swing it.
All the ladies workin' in the
front, just bring it.
Everybody's bouncin' in the club, boys
lookin' so fly.
Work it out, break it down, can you feel it?

You, you broke my heart again.
This time it's
the end.
Don't you know that you can't play with me?
I'm gonna go to the club,
forget that you're not true,
find somebody new, if
that's all right with you.

Nekem ez egy gyönyörű nap, mikor te elhagysz.
Kezemen nincs bilincs, szívem meg sincs, nincs.
Szívem szabadon visz az utamon
a szerelem nem bénít, álom lady.
Neked a szavaid üresek mind,
úgy hiszem igaz, amit érzek, álom lady.
Maradsz csak a magas hőfokú partyn, én látom.
Hey, na gyerünk járd csak a táncot...

Tonight dance until the break of dawn.
Tonight dance until you're
really gone.

All my babies swingin' in the back, just swing it.
All the ladies workin' in the
front, just bring it.
Everybody's bouncin' in the club, boys
lookin' so fly.
Work it out, break it down, can you feel it?

All my babies swingin'
in the back,
just swing it (can you feel it?).
All the ladies workin' in the front, just bring it.
bouncin' in the club, boys lookin' so fly.
Work it out, break it down, can you feel it?

Na gyerünk szállj, ne is gondolj rám.
Élvezd az életet te kicske lány.
Nekem ez egy gyönyörű nap, na mozdulj már!
Felejts el, minket az élet vár.

Who, who do you think you are?
Actin' like a star, drivin' in your car.
I will tell all of the girls
in the neighborhood that you did
me no good. So
I'm gonna get my crew
and forget all about you.

Tonight dance until the break of dawn.
Tonight dance until you're
really gone.
Tell me why? Why'd you leave my side?
Tell me why? Why'd you make me cry?
Now I'm gonna find some other guy.

All my babies swingin' in the back, just
swing it.
All the ladies workin' in the front, just bring it.
bouncin' in the club, boys lookin' so fly.
Work it out, break it down, can you feel it?

All my babies
swingin' in the back,
just swing it (feel it).
All the ladies workin' in the
front, just bring it.
Everybody's bouncin' in the club, boys
lookin' so fly.
Work it out, break it down, can you feel it?

Gyerünk táncolj még, mikor zavaros minden.
Gyerünk táncolj még, hisz túl rövid az élet.
Álom lady, vár rád az élet,
Gyerünk táncolj, felejts el, na táncolj még!

All my babies swingin'
in the back, just swing it.
All the ladies workin' in the front, just bring it.
bouncin' in the club, boys lookin' so fly.
Work it out, break it down, can you feel it?

All my babies swingin' in the back, just swing it.
All the ladies workin' in the
front, just bring it.
Everybody's bouncin' in the club, boys lookin' so fly.
Work it out, break it down, can you feel it?
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