Jamie Winchester és Hrutka Róbert - Take Me Home dalokhu video

Album: nincs kép
Szövegírók: Winchester Jamie
Zeneszerzők: Hrutka Róbert
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 11982 alkalommal




Pontszám: 8


The softest snow falls all around me
But the deepest cold is in my heart
Loving eyes that trust completely
Loving hands to hold in mine
Everything I left behind me
We've grown so far apart

I built the walls that grew around me
Watered the thorns around my soul
Always looking in the wrong place
Searching for the way they say
Now I understand I need to
Find my way back home

I can feel a change is coming
Now my soul can sing and dance
Maybe now my life begins again
If you give me a chance
I said

Take me home, sálállálá
From the cold, sálállálá
Take me home, sálállálá
Take me home, sálállálá

I hope the little ones forgive me
I pray the pain
won't last too long
Nothing I can say can make it
Seem like everything's ok
Now I understand I need to
Find my way back home

I can feel a change is coming
Now my soul can sing and dance
Maybe now my life begins again
If you give me a chance
I said

Take me home, sálállálá
Take me home, sálállálá

I can feel a change is coming
Now my soul can sing and dance
Maybe now my life begins again
If you give me a chance
I said

Take me home, sálállálá
Take me home, sálállálá
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