Jamie Winchester és Hrutka Róbert - Sand in my Eyes dalokhu

Album: nincs kép
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 7416 alkalommal


Jamie Winchester

Jamie Winchester

Pontszám: 105


How could I feel that the world which I held in my hand
Could be trusted and strong
Standing here patting myself on the back I have
learned, learned I was wrong

Nothing can stay for good, nothing remains forever

Sand in my eyes, no relief, just surprise
As the whole thing turns to dust and starts to fall
Fall all around me

How many times will I fall for the lies
Hidden deep in the eyes of a girl?
How many times will I climb to the skies just to fall
back to the world?

Nothing can stay for good, nothing remains forever

Now all my walls have been blown down
Just came crashing to the ground
And what we lost is lost, and can't be found

I never wanted to believe, to be so easy to decieve
I just wonder if you knew, I believed in you
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