Brains - Refresh The Style dalokhu video

Refresh the style
Előadó: Brains
Album: Refresh the style
Megjelenés: 2011
Hossz: 4:48
Szövegírók: Kéri András
Németh Péter
Varga Norbert
Kéri András
Lukács Levente
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Megadó Kiadó
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 16220 alkalommal




Pontszám: 81


Well iz da script blocka da shit poppa that hit propa
block rocka da top toppa da choped shoppa
chock knocka we like are hot much hotta
we need to rinse it out i said wud up Chaka
what mi say fire
ruffer than tuffer than any kind of hot stepper
respect to the Wild Apache the don dada
all the original dj dem inna the area
Top Cat, General dem a mi english bredda
make we run again make we run again
make we run again Brains sound a run again
Zeek im a run again Rubadub Rocker run again

the world get knowledge of our profile
we come fi refresh the drum and bass style
all junglist all the soundboy nah let your body run dry
now you able to compile

well mi promote the ragga
ruffa than tuffa dan any kind of hot stepper
people a the bomb lyric a the detonator
junglist style is more barbarous than the chopper
fling up your foot like you step on fire
anybody wanna come battle we
what put ya hole sallery
1 by 1 i'm Freddy on da beat
slew them son we ready for the heat
pitiful it is but i din't say sh...
heavy on da biz and i just can't quite
know what it is when i walk on this
Coly hold that while i'm taking that piss
and pass di dutchie 2 di left hand side
blast we runnin' on a gully ruff ride
bombarass see Coly not be lettin' none slide
punany get's fried we call it pum bye bye
a long time i man a talk bout many man dem
never get the worlds mi chat
mi tell you why dibby-dibby boy
come inna the dance and try fi make mi stop
mi tell you why cause dem nah have tact
dem boy dem around me simple act
that dem are stronger with dem anger
still dem funny likkle boy dem a get head shot
make we run again make we run again
make we run again Brains sound a run again
Zeek im a run again Rubadub Rocker run again

the world get knowledge of our profile
we come fi refresh the drum and bass style
all junglist all the soundboy nah let your body run dry
now you able to compile
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