LGT - Angel of Hobos

Locomotiv GT '74 USA
Előadó: LGT
Album: Locomotiv GT '74 USA
Megjelenés: 1988
Hossz: 5:18
Szövegírók: Adamis Anna
Zeneszerzők: Barta Tamás
Kiadó: Pepita
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 5274 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Nothing in my hand, I’m ramblin’ on the slam
My fate is my destiny
Singin’ on the blues, got some holes on my shoes
When mother earth she kisses me
I’m feelin’ thru I’m so good to see
The sky, up blue upon my head
I need nothin’ more even on a shore
A lovely kind of love I lead

Follow me – angel of the hobos said to me
Follow me – angel of the hobos said to me
Angel of the hobos said to me
Angel of the hobos follows me

My mama said the people should be glad
To have a roof above their head
The way you live your life you won’t have nothing bad
You’d better stay at home instead
I was just a cross the mother carried
But she never, never cried
I was her only son, and the ______ that I’ve done
She forgave me for before she died

Follow me – angel of the hobos said to me
Follow me – angel of the hobos said to me
Angel of the hobos said to me
Angel of the hobos follows me
Come on, follow me

Follow me – angel of the hobos said to me
Follow me – angel of the hobos said to me
Angel of the hobos said to me
Angel of the hobos follows me

I was born to pray and follow my way
I’ve never had a place to stay
I’m like ________ with a mantra keefe
Keeps me going all the day
But sometimes people say I’m just a beggar
But I don’t care what people say
My troubles are my __________ engine in my mind
I gotta _________ it every day

So follow me
Follow me
Follow me
Come on, follow me
Follow me
Follow me
Follow, follow...
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