LGT - My Heart Still Waits

Előadó: LGT
Album: Boxing
Megjelenés: 1985
Hossz: 4:44
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Somló Tamás
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3645 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Every passing hour I spend now without you
Seems to pass so slow, why'd you have to go
Not a word from you have I heard for a long time
Are you still around, can you still be found?

My heart still waits with a fire that burns
My heart still waits for the day that you return
But is it all insane, is it a cause in vain
I don't know why this old heart still waits, still waits

All the things that you left behind keep on hurtin' me
They remind me of a time of making love
Little things like a cigarette burn on the bedroom floor
We saw it lying there but we just didn't care

My heart still waits for a cry in the night
My heart still waits for things to turn out right
But have the hands of time stolen this love of mine
I don't know why this old heart still waits, still waits

Oh, oh, oh it seems so long ago
Oh, oh, oh but it's not letting go

My heart still waits with a fire that burns
My heart still waits for the day that you return
But is it all insane, is it a cause in vain
I don't know why this old heart still waits, still waits

And have the hands of time stolen this love of mine
I don't know why this old heart still waits, still waits
But is it all insane, is it a cause in vain
I don't know why this old heart still waits, still waits

Still waits, still waits, still waits
Eredeti: LGT - Béke van (végtelen)
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