Bolyki Brothers - Eyamma - öröm

The Fruit Of The Spirit
Előadó: Bolyki Brothers
Album: The Fruit Of The Spirit
Megjelenés: 2002
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Bolyki András
Bolyki László
Bolyki Balázs
Bolyki György
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: szerzői kiadás
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 3, összesen 6277 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Everybody's warming up to sing
We're talking 'bout a very special thing
So come along and join the melody
Even out of tune, it's gonna set you free

We won't be needing keyboards and bass guitar
This summer acapella will be the star
So let the nation rise up an sing the song
Believe me it's been waiting for you all along

If you open up the doorway to your heart
Sing the song of love, let the music start
The heavenly light will shine down from above
Make the angels stop and drop their hearts

They'll put their heads to figure out
What the happy ruckus is all about
The people got no wings, yet let it ring
Could it be that love's the crucial thing?

You know joy is more than just a fleeting thrill
You try to comprehend it and you'll have your fill
Our heart's alive with a fire it's rising higher
Roaring and raging but it won't burn out

All you angel armies listen, Hey!
The people of the earth got something to say
As long as our hearts are moving up his way
The feeling that we have will never go away

Because the one who sits on the heavenly throne
He's the one and the same - the Lord we can call our own
So how can we be anything but satisfied
We've got the love of God living here inside
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