Turbo - Heavyweight Promises video

Előadó: Turbo
Album: Vol1.
Megjelenés: 2009
Hossz: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 6067 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Heavyweight promises are getting me down
It's the nature of my mind
That keeps me off the golden path
Now there's a black hole where once was a heart
Only hope was left
I am polarized, not neutralized,

If i surrendered
I would break free forever...

One step forward
Carrying my heavyweight package of stones
Two steps backwards
Dancing in circles, no rest for the bones
One step forward
Carrying my heavyweight package of words
Two steps backwards
To the land of unholiness and the dead birds...

The burning desire to win the contest
The vision of the self
The dust left in my empty hands
The dirt in my sweat, the weight upon my chest
They mess with my compass
I am polarized, not neutralized,

If i surrendered i would break
free forever...

One step forward
Carrying my heavyweight package of stones
Two steps backwards
Dancing in circles, no rest for the bones
One step forward
Two steps backwards

The unlawful master of my tiny universe
Must become the servant of the one who just observes
The unlawful master of my tiny universe
Must become the servant of the one who just observes

One step forward
Carrying my heavyweight package of stones
Two steps backwards
Dancing in circles, no rest for the bones
One step forward
Carrying my heavy weight package of words
Two steps backwards to the
Land of unholiness and the dead birds...
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