Kállay-Saunders András - Take me away video

Album: nincs kép
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Megtekintve: Ma 2, összesen 10903 alkalommal




Pontszám: 10


Tonight love is comin’ I feel it comin’
Into the night I am runnin’ cause love is comin’

There’s something in the air
I see it everywhere
I feel it comin’ tonight
I hear her callin’ me
She speaks so softly
What a beautiful sound
Rescue me
Lead me through the dark
Take me to your heart
Sing to me
A perfect melody
Won’t you sing to me?

Take me awayy, ayy yaa ayy
I’m gonna shout and scream till she finds me
I’m gonna shout and scream till she finds me
Scream it out

ayy yaa ayy
I’m gonna shout and scream till she finds me
ayy yaa ayy
I’m gonna shout and scream till she finds me

I feel her next to me
Her heart is calling me
I feel it beating inside
I hear her calling me
She speaks so softly
What a beautiful sound
Rescue me
Lead me through the dark
Take me to your heart
Sing to me
A perfect melody
Won’t you sing to me?

Take me awayy, ayy yaa ayy
I’m gonna shout and scream till she finds me
I’m gonna shout and scream till she finds me
I’m gonna shout and scream till she finds me
Scream it out ayy yaa ayy

ayy yaa ayy
I’m gonna shout and scream till she finds me (4x)

ayy yaa ayy
Take me awayy
ayy yaa ayy
I’m gonna shout and scream till she finds me
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