The Carbonfools - Clublights dalokhu video

Club Lights (Single)
Előadó: The Carbonfools
Album: Club Lights (Single)
Megjelenés: 2012
Hossz: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 34163 alkalommal




Pontszám: 5


I'm standing here with an urge to make your day

i see red and blue and green but never grey

i came to make you smile when you hear me sing

but when these lights turn bright i forget everything

baby you're outside baby you're outside this stage

you cant get too close and you cannot break my cage

i see a hundred smiles and i try to feel them all

but when these lights turn bright i just fall and fall

'couse these

these clublights have freezed my eyes

and i can not see at all

club lights just turning me out

so im loosing my control

'couse these

flashlights has blinded my eyes

and i cant see whos around

strobe lights just riding my nerves

and i just try to save my mind

i 'd like to go to bed with all of you tonight

but when these lights turn on you're just out of sight

and my love feels so big and i want it want it to show

but if i cant feel you all things begin to slow

couse these.....

we're on stage to make you blind

we walk on hearts and haze your minds,

we got lights and sound for bliss,

so take it all you've paid for this
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