Baricz Gergő - There Must Have Been Something video

Némán állni | Solemn Silence
Előadó: Baricz Gergő
Album: Némán állni | Solemn Silence
Megjelenés: 2012
Hossz: 4:33
Szövegírók: Baricz Gergő
Zeneszerzők: Baricz Gergő
Kiadó: Sony Music
Stílus: Pop rock, blues rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 5926 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


There must have been something on your mind
Something, easy you could never hide...
There must have been something I should really know
But I think my batteries, have gone so low.

There must have been something on your mind,
Something stupid you said, never mind.
There must have been something I should really know,
I just can't understand so take it slow.

I know I mean it, I've been such a foul...
But now you can't forgive my desperate soul
You said you loved me true, but further you can't
I mean I'm sorry, now why can't you forget?

There must have been something around your mind,
I lost your love and don't know, where to find.
There must have been something, that brought the end
It wasn't us, that's just the way it went.

There has to be something, on your mind,
That after so much time you can't decide.
There has to be something, a golden way,
that makes the barriers just fade away.

I know I mean it, I've been such a foul...
But now you can't forgive my desperate soul
You said you loved me true, but further you can't
I mean I'm sorry, now why can't you forget?
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