Boggie - New sun

Előadó: Boggie
Album: Boggie
Megjelenés: 2013
Hossz: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Sára Hélène Bori
Bori Sára Heléne
Csemer Boglárka
Zeneszerzők: Csemer Boglárka (Boggie)
Kiadó: Tom-Tom Records
Stílus: Pop
Címkék: szerelmes, tengeres [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 5178 alkalommal




Pontszám: -



Fool of the ocean
Love’s all that we’ll have
Full/fool of emotions
To love life, that’s what it’s all about


I thought that you loved the rain
And that you found a wave
And you’re on board now

I heard that you love the air
And that you found a place
And you’ve arrived now


Fool of recollections
Love’s all that we’ll have
Fool of all conspirations
Love’s all that we’ll have


I thought that you loved the rain
And that you found a wave
And you’re on board now

I heard that you love the air
And that you found a place
And you’ve arrived now


I thought that you loved the rain
And that you found a wave
And you’re on board now

I heard that you love the air
And that you found a place
And you’ve arrived now


Fool of creation
Love’s all that we’ll have
Full of illusions
Love’s all that we’ll have
Fool of the ocean
Love’s all that we’ll have
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