Rocken Dogs - Feed the dog video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Rocken Dogs
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2340 alkalommal




Pontszám: 50


She’s a kind of lady
She’s a sexy Baby
Knows how to move to the beat
She’s a full steamer
cool heater sex machine
More that the hell can heat

I know you wanna dance
I'm sure you wanna dance
Put your body to my body she says
I know you wanna dance
I'm sure you wanna dance
Dance to the Devils beat

They say you have to treat her
You know you can not keep her
Even cars won’t run without gasoline
Lonely days will kill her
'Cause endless night, what feeds her
No time to play romantic scene

I know you wanna dance
I'm sure you wanna dance
Put your body to my body she says
I know you wanna dance
I'm sure you wanna dance
Dance to the Devils beat

I want more
More more more

Hey, hey
She’s just like the other
Heading for the first
But she’s on to get another
Say Babe
Now I’ve fuckin’ got her
Running from the first
Just to get another

Now I’m dieing with her
Cause I’ll never gonna see her
See that pretty sex machine
I’ll never gonna kiss her
But she took my money with her
That other girl who made me belive

I want more
More more more

Hey, hey
She’s just like the other
Heading for the first
But she’s on to get another
Say Babe
Now I’ve fuckin got her
Running from the first
Just to get another

I’m lieing like a bone I’ m lieing like a bone on the street
I don't know how I’ve got here
Don’t know how I’ve got here
I don't know
But she’s feeding the dog with me
feeding the dog with me
feeding the dog with me
feeding the dog with me
feeding the dog with me
feeding the dog with me
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