Charlie - Bushed

Just Stay Who You Are
Előadó: Charlie
Album: Just Stay Who You Are
Megjelenés: 1996
Hossz: 0:00
Szövegírók: Horváth Attila
Edwin Balogh
Balogh Efraim I L M Edwin
Zeneszerzők: Lerch István
Kiadó: Magneoton
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3841 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I am so tired. I need to sleep.
I do not feel. My senses are beat.
Got no eyes for light, got no ears for sound.
The window’s closed. The curtain falls down.

The phone’s out of order. I switched off the bell,
’cause I don’t buy and got nothing to sell.
All of the wires and cables I cut.
You can say that it’s a major blackout.

I moved away to another space.
For all I care the world can turn a different way.

Outside my door there’s a sign saying that I’m not in.
There’s nothing to end here and there’s nothing to begin.
There’s nobody home. Just a whisper inside.
Listen, it’s saying, saying, saying goodnight.

Don’t know how long it’s gonna last.
‘Twas a hard day. I need a rest.
Until I call you, please let me be.
Until the morning let me be nobody.

I moved away to another space.
For all I care the world can turn a different way.

Outside my door there’s a sign saying that I’m not in
There’s nothing to end here and there’s nothing to begin.
There’s nobody home. Just a whisper inside.
Listen, it’s saying, saying, saying goodnight.
Eredeti: Charlie - Kint van a tábla
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