The Carbonfools - Like kids dalokhu

Előadó: The Carbonfools
Album: Carbonsweet
Megjelenés: 2012
Hossz: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 6639 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


You treat me like a child
You treat me like a boy
You cover me with your arms
You know you bring me joy
You kiss me like a mom
Hold me like I would fall
Lift me up, so I can reach your base
Like the shadows on the wall.

Told you, you can be my little girl
You wish I was a little boy
I wish that we could make a little money (ey)
I wish I never hurt you like before

Please go up wherever you like
Don't you stop to me
Got no love, got no time
So I'll take yours and you'll take mine

Like kids.
We fell we hike we can touch the sky.

Teeny-weeny money more tell her secrets tell her more.
Teeny-weeny money more if she screams just let her go.
Teeny-weeny money more she's afraid she wants to know.
Teeny-weeny money more don't wake up I just say hello.

You play with someone else soon what will I do I should go.
Don't hurt me much am I forget to play the games that we both know?

Told you, you can be my little girl
You wish I was a little boy
I wish that we could make a little money (ey)
I wish I never hurt you like before

Please go up wherever you like
Don't you stop to me
Got no love, got no time
So I'll take yours and you'll take mine

Like kids.
We fell we hike we can touch the sky.
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