Susbscribe - We are Stardust video

This moment will soon be gone
Előadó: Susbscribe
Album: This moment will soon be gone
Megjelenés: 2014
Hossz: 4:53
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: Edge Records
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 5357 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


So then watch it come alive
It's tremendous dancing curtains of light
Sense of oneness
A hundred fires light
Wonder if you believe
In the sense of separation
And understanding of

Who we are?
And who we will be forever
And ever?

Go and make a move
A hundred miles long route
Lead to endless
And you'll witness
A thousand lurid suites
Under gravity
Far beyound over the sea
Understanding of

Who we are?
And who we will be forever
And ever?

Isn't that true
The way to learn how to see is
To realize the overview effect on me

Isn't that true
The way to learn how to see is
To realize the overview effect on me

We are stardust
Even you are
Spieces as one individual
Pull it together when
Earth need you to understand
It's paper thin layer's frail
So weak

We are stardust
Even you are
Spieces as one individual
Pull it together when
Earth need you to understand
It's paper thin layer's frail
So weak

Isn't that true
The way to learn how to see is
To realize the overview effect on me

Isn't that true
The way to learn how to see is
To realize the overview effect on me

The way we human beings were put together
A cognitive process should reveal
And bring us together

The way we human beings were put together
A cognitive process should reveal
And bring us together

Isn't that true
The way to learn how to see is
To realize the overview effect on me

Isn't that true
The way to learn how to see is
To realize the overview effect on me
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