Pygmalion - Saving Face video

Pygmalion EP
Előadó: Pygmalion
Album: Pygmalion EP
Megjelenés: 2014
Hossz: 4:19
Szövegírók: Székely Ádám
Ámon Balázs
Kovács Gergely Tamás
Szász Dániel László
Zeneszerzők: Keressük a zeneszerzőt!
Kiadó: szerzői kiadás
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2355 alkalommal




Pontszám: 68


When your weapon of choice is
words of wisdom
ripped from the throat of
dead generations
suited to fit your needs and your greed
the roots of a nation bleed in shame
you can choose what you wanna believe
but (you) still only have yourself to blame

we run in one place
whatever it takes
saving face x2

cos buddy you're living a lie
you just don't know why
but you keep telling yourself that you
tried, tried, tried, yea-yeah

waiting for temptation
temptation just wont come
looks like i'm the only one
who looks for something
oh something different but
will suffer when we come undone

we run in one place
whatever it takes
saving face x2

"it's hard to remain anonymous these days, information is available on just about anyone: credit files, service records, lawsuits, marriages, divorces, wills, births, deaths, licenses, permits, vehicles registered. If you want to remain invisible, pay cash for everything… OR JUST DON'T GET CAUGHT!'

why ruin it for the rest of us
when your pointless time here is almost up
what's the limit of your selfishness
what's the use in piling on this mess?

I know you see it
it's fucked anyway
but a new regime could
come any day

we run in one place
whatever it takes
saving face x2
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