Viki és a Flört - Give Some Hope

Direct from Budapest
Előadó: Viki és a Flört
Album: Direct from Budapest
Megjelenés: 1991
Hossz: 3:40
Szövegírók: Jeff Leone
Zeneszerzők: Pacsó Pál
Kiadó: Viki And Flirt
Stílus: Rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2443 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Children I see, beg on the street
no shoes on their feet
Leading the way, mother is carrying
baby, makes three
Where do they go when darkness
and in the cold who warms them
Understand why they hold out
a hand

Lovers they come, fathers they
thats just how it is
Stand in the rain, burn in the sun
no choise for the kids
Your see them, you turn away
Believe my words when I say
"See it their way
try and change it today"

We've gotta give some hope
to our children astray
We have to make our love
the responsible way
Lets forget about space
and find them a place
We have to find a home
for the homeless today

Some people say "She's just
a gypsy"
God sees her equal as you
Ignorance is on your side
Happiness to them
is a long forgotten friend
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