Bojtorján - Daddy's Hands

Előadó: Bojtorján
Album: Bojtorján
Megjelenés: 1994
Hossz: 2:22
Szövegírók: Holly Dunn
Zeneszerzők: Holly Dunn
Kiadó: Exkluzív Kiadó
Stílus: Country
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2367 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I remember daddy's hands folded silently in prayer
And reachin' out to hold me, when I had a nightmare
You could read quite a story in the callous' and lines
Years of work and worry had left their mark behind

Verse 2
I remember daddy's hands how they held my mama tight
And patted my back for something done right
There are things that I'd forgotten that I loved about the man
But I'll always remember the love in daddy's hands

Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin'
Daddy's hands were hard as steel when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands weren't always gentle but I've come to understand
There was always love in daddy's hands.

Verse 3
I remember daddy's hands workin' 'til they bled
Sacrifised unselfishly just to keep us all fed
If I could do things over, I'd live my life again
And never take for granted the love in daddy's hands

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