Kállay-Saunders Band - Victory video

Album: nincs kép
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 7639 alkalommal




Pontszám: 46


Let’s take it to birth now
I learned how to walk
I’m climbing on mountains
That I can’t get up
I don’t give a damn they say what they want
I’m climbing on mountains
That I can’t get up
You can take a shot
you’ll never bring me down
You can take a shot it’s fire to my mind
People come and go
Legends I was told never die
But when it’s time to go
And your story’s told
You will rise
Let’s take it to birth now
I learned how to walk
I’m climbing on mountains
That I can’t get up
I don’t give a damn they say what they want
I’m climbing on mountains
That I can’t get up
I Promise
I’ll never stop until I take the crown
I got this
Victory is just the sweetest sound
People come and go
Legends I was told never die
But when it’s time to go
And your story’s told
You will rise
Let’s take it to birth now
I learned how to walk
I’m climbing on mountains
That I can’t get up
I don’t give a damn they say what they want
I’m climbing on mountains
That I can’t get up
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