Voler Mouche - Close to Nowhere

Előadó: Voler Mouche
Album: Reserved
Megjelenés: 2014
Hossz: 5:20
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2204 alkalommal




Pontszám: 65


A thousand hands of clocks are - tic-tac, tic-tac - drawn around on the walls
Some music form the distance is leaking through the cracks, I get up from the floor
Reach into the pocket, take that key, place it in the hole
Get yourself together, turn it round and push open the door

Switch off all the lights, find the dog, he's somewhere in the room
Perhaps behind that curtain, perhaps inside that jewel box, maybe in that tune
That’s leaking in from outside, the clock goes tic-tac, tic-tac. It's seven minutes to noon.
Like an air balloon in (the TV screen of) the kitchen window up rises the moon.


Cruising along to the place
That's close to nowhere
With the thrills and spills of the race
Are you gonna get there

(It's me behind that blinking light
It's me behind those seagull eyes
It's me inside the arctic ice
It's me behind the high n' low tides)
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