Katona-Zsombori Éva (ÍV) - Love kills me video

Album: nincs kép
Szövegírók: Tóth Lóránt (Lory B.)
Zeneszerzők: Tóth Lóránt (Lory B.)
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: A DAL [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 2686 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


I bring you love in my pocket
But don’t fool me or you can "rock" it
I’m not your slave, I’m your prophet
I’m telling the future, hate it or love it

Hey hey, You drive me crazy
Hey hey, Do you wanna taste me
Hey hey, I’m sweet and lazy
Hey hey, But I’m not easy

Love kills me baby
Love kills me baby (6x)
The way we are livin’
Sweet poison you’re givin’

Love, peace and music is our new trinity
I’ll be your man tonight and you’ll be my lady
Don’t care the other guys just dance for me
Your temptation will make me crazy
I’m moving like a booty, you will be my hunter
Surface is clear depth needs to discover
So come closer baby and turn off the light
We make love till the end of the night

Hey hey, You drive me crazy
Hey hey, Do you wanna taste me
Hey hey, I’m sweet and lazy
Hey hey, But I’m not easy


Love kills me baby
Love kills me baby (6x)
The way we are livin’
Sweet poison you’re givin’
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