Omega - No Milk Today video

Album: nincs kép
Előadó: Omega
Album: Keressük!
Szövegírók: Keressük a szövegírót!
Zeneszerzők: Carl Sigman
Kiadó: Keressük!
Stílus: Beat
Címkék: feldolgozás [+]
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 4925 alkalommal




Pontszám: 841


No milk today, my love has gone away
The bottle stands forlorn, a symbol of the dawn
No milk today, it seems a common sight
But people passing by don't know the reason why

How could they know just what this message means?
The end of my hopes, the end of all my dreams
How could they know the palace there had been
Behind the door where my love reigned as queen

No milk today, it wasn't always so
The company was gay, we'd turn night into day

But all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A terraced house in a mean street back of town
Becomes a shrine when I think of you only
Just two up two down

No milk today, it wasn't always so
The company was gay, we'd turn night into day
As music played the faster did we dance
We felt it both at once, the start of our romance

How could they know just what this message means?
The end of my hopes, the end of all my dreams
How could they know a palace there had been
Behind the door where my love reigned as queen

No milk today, my love has gone away
The bottle stands forlorn, a symbol of the dawn

But all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A terraced house in a mean street back of town
Becomes a shrine when I think of you only
Just two up two down

No milk today, my love has gone away
The bottle stands forlorn, a symbol of the dawn
No milk today, it seems a common sight
But people passing by don't know the reason why

How could they know just what this message means?
The end of my hopes, the end of all my dreams
How could they know a palace there had been
Behind the door where my love reigned as queen

No milk today, it wasn't always so
The company was gay, we'd turn night into day

But all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A terraced house in a mean street back of town
Oh, all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A terraced house in a mean street back of town
Oh, all that's left is a place dark and lonely
A terraced house in a mean street back of town
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