Caramel - The collector dalokhu video

Előadó: Caramel
Album: Újrahangolva
Megjelenés: 2006
Hossz: 0:00
Szövegírók: Molnár Ferenc Caramel
Zeneszerzők: Molnár Ferenc Caramel
Kiadó: Tom-Tom Records
Stílus: Rhytm n Blues
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 8628 alkalommal




Pontszám: 118


When my handy rings,
somebody tells a place,
and I can feel the thrill,
I quickly check my hair,
and I just want to,
get in my car and be there, too,
it's a club right there,
I enter and the bouncer,
tells me the meddage, yeah,
that there's a girl inside,
she is a really hot baby,
but she's so deadly and damm crazy,
when I'm staring at you from the crowd,
you're extraordinary like,
the way you look, the dress you wear,
and you're the girl I want to have,
there's not much to do, no,
gotta get to you now,
and I mean it!,
and I'm ready, ya,
and I'm chasing ya,
gonna rock the floor until I get to ya,
till you see me,
an' dance with me,
till you say you want me and you love me,
I know what you need,
self-confidence and style,
plenty I can give,
with drinks in my hands,
I try to approach you,
you dance like no one else can do,
when I mouth a word to you,
and you nod your head you'll do,
all the movements, I could never get tired of,
don't turn away from me,
just a second and you'll see, girl,
I'm a rocket and the rhythm will let me off,
I wanna get home, my sweet...,
I've changed my mind,
wanna be here tonight with you dancing all night,
I've made up my mind,
wanna be here tonight with you dancing all night,
don't wanna get get home, my sweet....
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