Machine Mouse - Ride With Me

Deep Press
Előadó: Machine Mouse
Album: Deep Press
Megjelenés: 1994
Hossz: 4:34
Szövegírók: Ragadics Csaba
Fűzfa Zoltán
Locsmándi Bence
Zeneszerzők: Ragadics Csaba
Fűzfa Zoltán
Locsmándi Bence
Kiadó: szerző kiadás
Stílus: Rock
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 3444 alkalommal




Pontszám: -


Watch the signs everybody's in
Get on the ride this is not a sin
I want you to ride with me too
Somebody took me here
But I don't know who

If you look around you can see the lights
This is our party and we won't let you out

Watch the stars they know the answers
Don't wanna try change their ways later
They want you to ride with them too
And you will undestand everything too

If you look around you can see the lights
This is our party and we won't let you

Why don't you get on your bike
And fly to heaven
Why don't you get on your bike
And fly with me

Why don't you get on your bike
And fly to heaven
Why don't you get on your bike
And fly with me

Watch my eyes you can read my mind
We are together in this flying cup
Don't be cruel don't show me the truth
Don't you understand that I ain't to loose

If you look around you can see the lights
This is our party and we won't let you out

Why don't you get on your bike
And fly to heaven
Why don't you get on your bike
And fly with me

Why don't you get on your bike
And fly to heaven
Why don't you get on your bike
And fly with me

If you look around you can see the lights
This is our party and we won't let you out

Why don't you get on your bike
And fly to heaven
Why don't you get on your bike
And fly with me

Why don't you get on your bike
And fly to heaven
Why don't you get on your bike
And fly with me

Why don't you get on your bike
And fly to heaven
Why don't you get on your bike
And fly with me

Why don't you get on your bike
And fly to heaven
Why don't you get on your bike
And fly with me
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