Omega - Dawn in the city (Hajnal a város felett angolul)

Előadó: Omega
Album: Gammapolis
Megjelenés: 1978
Hossz: 7:08
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 9222 alkalommal




Pontszám: 90


The Time Sleeper slowly wakes
The sky is fanned by purple flames
The cursed city comes to life again
The ray of hope gets closer
The kingdom of the endless night is over

The misty dawn announces day
The night´s phantoms swiftly fly away
The flowers turned their faces to the sun
The ray of hope gets closer
The power of the night is over

The blind city begins to rise
The dark windows open their eyes
The frozen hours measure time again
The ray of hope gets closer
The kingdom of the night is over

Rays of light explode in sound
Turning as they hit the ground
The early morning people see the sunrise
The ray of hope gets closer
The power of the night is over
The ray of hope gets closer
The power of the night is over
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