Omega - Tower of Babel (Babylon angolul) video

Előadó: Omega
Album: Transcendent
Megjelenés: 1996
Hossz: 4:03
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 14782 alkalommal




Pontszám: 14


We got a new God up in the sky
We got a promise never to die
Look around it’s a new tower of Babel

We got to make a way to the top
Until we drunk to the very last drop
Look around it’s a new tower of Babel

Master and mason can’t see the reason why
The tower must fall

No matter how clever you can play
No matter how clever you can pray
Look around it’s a new tower of Babel

You’ll never know why you’re trod on the ground
You’ll never know who’s holding you down
Look around it’s a new tower of Babel

Master and mason can’t see the reason why
They’re building on

Master and mason can’t see the reason
Master and mason can’t see the reason why
The tower must fall

We got the eyes all up in the sky
We got our hands all reaching so high
Look around it’s a new tower of Babel

You feel you down in the black of the night
You feel you freeze in a pillar of ice
Look around alone in the tower of Babel

Master and mason can’t see the reason why
The tower must fall
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