Király Linda - Crush video

Király Linda 1
Előadó: Király Linda
Album: Király Linda 1
Megjelenés: 2003
Hossz: 3:33
Szövegírók: Simon Stewart
Zeneszerzők: Simon Stewart
Kiadó: King Music Management
Stílus: Keressük!
Címkék: Keressük!
Megtekintve: Ma 6, összesen 5509 alkalommal


karaoke-s gabor

karaoke-s gabor

Pontszám: 34


I don\'t know but I can\'t explain this
but when I saw you, my heart
went through the ceiling.
Now this ain\'t
like me, got me
playin\' with my hair
and acting sweet 16, now what is going on?

Everytime I see you walkin\'
up my way
(walkin\' up my way),
I wanna talk to you but don\'t know what to say
(don\'t know what to say)
and if you didn\'t pass me by,
I would look you in your eyes and say...

I got a crush on you,
baby let me know if you feel like I do.
I\'d like to know if there\'s
somethin\' that I can do.
just answer back and let me know if you understand, and you wanna be my man.

If you could see me
not to blush, with every word you speak
I\'m feelin\' such a rush and I know this ain\'t me.
tellin\' everybody but you,
that I\'m in love with you.

Everytime I see you walkin\' up my way,
I wanna talk to you but don\'t know what to
and if you
didn\'t pass me by,
I would look you in your eyes and say

I got a crush on you,
baby let me know if you feel like I do
(gotta let me know).
like to know if there\'s somethin\' that I can do.
just answer back and let me know if you understand, and you wanna be my man.

When I first saw you,
somethin\' kept my eyes on you.
Wanted to have you in my life.

I got a crush on you or
somebody that looks like you.
Walks like you and talks like you
but I don\'t
have the nerve to tell you
it\'s you.
Do I take all my pride and set it aside?
Take all my cards and playem\'
take that one chance to make you mine,
\'cause I can\'t seem to get you
outta my mind
\'cause I...

I got a crush on you,
baby let me know if you feel like I do.
like to know if there\'s somethin\' that I can do.
just answer back and let me know if you understand, and you wanna be my man.

I got a crush on you,
baby let me know if you feel like I do.
I\'d like to know if there\'s somethin\' that I can do.
just answer back and let me know if you understand, and you wanna be my man.
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