Zagar - The Snob video

Cannot Walk Fly Instead
Előadó: Zagar
Album: Cannot Walk Fly Instead
Megjelenés: 2007
Hossz: 0:00
Megtekintve: Ma 1, összesen 8308 alkalommal




Pontszám: 9


Searching through the room for branded consolation
I will go nowhere without invitation
Looking at the screen for instant inspiration
Give me natural, real hallucinations

I'll be selfish, I'll be low and maybe cynical
I'll be dirty, I'll be snob and maybe critical
Do be silent crazy and plainly beautiful
Don't think of it as if you would still have another choice

Only feel alive within my mind's creation
Slowly melting down conscious calculation
Blended with some help I see the ones I share with
Memories of light pureness and delight

I'll be selfish, I'll be low and maybe cynical
I'll be dirty, I'll be snob and maybe critical
Do be silent crazy and plainly beautiful
Don't think of it as if you would still have another choice
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